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Importance of Colour Coding

April 15, 2021
Importance of Colour Coding

Cross-contamination has one of the highest risks in the spread of any infection. In order to reduce the chances of contamination we all must follow some simple colour coding standards to reduce the chances of infection. Colour coding will help to segment the cleaning equipment and products which are to be best used in certain specific areas. The need for colour coding plays a vital role in industries, namely, hospitality, age-care, child-care and hospitals, where it is significant to have exceptional hygiene standards.
These standards guide the responsible on correct use for reusable cleaning equipment and preventing the use of same equipment at different areas.

Following is the list of equipment which must be colour coded to have a safe and a hygienic environment:

1.  Mop Head
2.  Bucket
3.  Mop Handle
4.  Brushes
5.  Microfibre Cloth

Now, lets get in depth of the colour interpretations and where to use specific colours:

- Green: All cleaning equipment under this category can be used in kitchen, bars, café, or any food preparation area.

- Blue: The equipment can be used in low risk areas like offices and wards.

- Yellow: Products which are coded yellow must be used on infectious or an isolation area. For example on blood stains

- Red: All red cleaning products must be used only in toilet, bathroom and shower-room.

- White: For use in operating theatres, hospitals and clinics.

Download Colour Coding Chart